Thursday, April 11, 2013

Przewalski’s Horse, The Exotic Wild Mongolian Horse

Przewalski’s Horse,Mongolian Horse

Przewalski’s Horse also known as the Asian Wild Horse and Mongolian Wild Horse. The Mongolian name for these horses is “takhi,” which means “spirit”. Horses are central to exotic Mongolian culture, and takhi are a symbol of their national heritage. The Chinese call the Przewalski’s horse “yehmah.”

The only truly wild horse left in the world, the Przewalski’s Horse is stockily built in comparison to domesticated horses, with shorter legs. Weighing around 300kg, their typical height is about 1.3m and length is about 2.1m with a 90cm tail.

Przewalki"s Horse, The Exotic Horse

Przewalski’s Horses live in social groups consisting of a dominant stallion, a dominant lead mare, other mares, and their offspring. Each group has a well-defined home range; during the day they travel within the range, grazing, drinking, using salt licks and dozing. At night, the herd clusters and sleeps for about four hours. Ranges of different herds may overlap without conflict, as the stallions are more protective of their mares than their territory.

Stallions practice a form of scent marking and will establish piles of dung at intervals along routes they normally travel to warn other males of their presence. In addition, when a female in the herd urinates, the stallion will frequently urinate in the same place, to signal her membership in the herd to other males.
Przewalski’s horses grow thick, warm coats for the winter, complete with long beards and neck hair. Winter coats are important in the harsh winter desert, where temperatures can be freezing.
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